HSC EXAMS - 2021

HSC EXAMINATION – 2021 Maharashtra state board of secondary and higher secondary education board Maharashtra: Uncertainty over HSC exams Barely three weeks before the scheduled exams, HSC (Class 12) students in the state are still unsure about whether or not their exams will take place amid high Covid-19 infections and the resultant lockdown Students said the state government’s delay in declaring the status of exams is causing severe anxiety and confusion at the last minute. “We have been studying for the entire year and still do not have any clarity on whether or not exams would take place offline. The government should not wait anymore and should announce its decision immediately,” said an HSC aspirant. On April 12, the state government had postponed HSC exams to the end of May and SSC exams to June. However, following CBSE’s decision to cancel Class 10 e...