MU circular on current year 2020-21 examinations and practicals

Mumbai University schedule of Exams of current year 2020 – 21 college students After successfully conducting the final year examinations of students of last year that is 2019 – 20 batch also university of Mumbai had declared the results of final year students and it was a very impressive results ever in MU which is above 95% overall. Also Mumbai university has given an option to students to take print out of their provisional Grade card so that the students can take admission in PG courses or can show for job purpose. You can find out the final year results of batch 2019 – 20 from below link : Recently Mumbai university has issued a circular t colleges guiding them on schedule and examinations of students of current year 2020 – 21. The circular send by Mumbai university is a guidelines given to all colleges for their internal as well as external examination of UG and PG courses of current ye...