HOW TO PREPARE PERFECT RESUME It is almost very confusing on how to prepare a good resume for an interview a resume is very essential part during the process of interview agreed it is not everything but it provides the detail information of the candidates to the employer which can save a lot of time of the employer to ask him or her in detail about his information and the rest depends on his calibre and way how he talk and present himself infornt of the employer or recruiter. Always there is a confusion between resume, bio data and curriculam vaitee CV here I will clear these douts and confusion. All the above is not same resume, bio data and curriculum vaitee all these three is prepared by different class of candidates but many think that all these three are same and use for common purpose of giving detail information of the candidates to the employer. The difference between all the above three is as follows :- RESUME : It is prepared in short it must...