Online lecture a
boon or curse ?
The Pros and Cons
of Studying Online
Are you happy with
online learning and studying method which is adopted by all schools and
colleges in india.
Do online method
can replace the face to face or class room teaching ?
There are lot of
questions which need to be answered aboit online lecture whether it is a boon
or curse here we will discuss each and evey part of it and find out conclusion
of whether online lecture is boon or curse.
As we are aware
that since we are in mid of a pandamic and have to be at home and maintain
social distance to avoid virus to spread and effect our health and family.
As per the
government decision we have faced the complete lockdown nation wide since march
2020 so as all schools and colleges were also closed out but as students and
their studies must not get effected the education minister had given the
direction to al educational institute to start lectures as well as examination
As it is a very new
method to adopt by more than 90% of teachers in india there was a big question
in front of educational institute and teachers
Increased Flexibility. The biggest advantage to studying
online is the increase in flexibility. .
Ease of Access. ...
More Affordable.
Easy to conduct
Easy to communicate
Increase in attendance of students
Discipline of students is maintain
Lack of Social / face to face Interaction. ...
Fewer Courses.
Technical difficulties arises
Not all students can affort to have android phone
Internet connection costly
Connectivity issue No personal interaction
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