MCQ – Multiple Choice Questions







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1. Which of the following considers difference between two least costs for each row and column while finding initial basic feasible solution in transport?

a. North west corner rule () b. Least cost method()        c. Vogel’s approximation ()         d. Row minima method ()

2. To find initial feasible solution of a transportation problem the method which starts allocation from the lowest cost is called ______ method.

a. north west corner ()                    b. least cost()           c. south east corner ()         d. Vogel’s approximation()

3. If M+N-1 = Number of allocations in transportation , it means __________ ( where “M” is number of rows and “N” is number of columns)

a. There is no degeneracy ()       b. Problem is unbalanced()            c. problem is degenerate() c. solution is optimal()

4. In a transportation problem, the method of penalty is called ______.

a. least cost() b. south east corner()          c. Vogel’s approximation()           d. north west corner()

5. When there is degeneracy in the transportation problem, we add an imaginary allocation called _______ in the solutions.

a. dummy ()   b. penalty()    c. epsilon()   d. regret()

6. When the total of allocations of a transportation problem match with supply and demand values, the solution is called _______ solution.

a. non –degenerate()           b. degenerate()         c. feasible()   d. infeasible()

7. When the allocation of a transportation problem satisfy the rim condition (m+n-1) the solution is called ______ solution.

a. degenerate()         b. infeasible()           c. unbounded()         d. non-degenerate()

8. The time required by each job on each machine is called ______ time.

a. elapsed()               b. idle ()          c. processing()                    d. average()

9. The order in which machines are required for completing the jobs is called ______.

a. machines order()  b. working order()     c. processing order()         d. job order()

10. The total time required to complete all the jobs in job sequencing problem is known as ______.

a. idle time () b. processing time() c. elapsed time        ()          d. processing order()

11. The time between the starting of the first job and completion of the last job in sequencing problem is called ______.

a. total time() b. assignment time()            c. elapsed time        ()          d. idle time()

12. In sequencing problem the order of completion of jobs is called ______.

a. completion sequence ()  b. job sequence      ()          c. processing order()                             d. job order()

13. The time during which a machine remains waiting or vacant in sequencing problem is called _________ time.

a. processing ()                   b. idle()                       c. waiting()                d. free()

14. The various alternatives or courses of action available to each player in a game are called ______.

a. saddle points        ()          b. strategies()                      c. pay-off()       d. ’n’ player game ()

15. The participants in the game are called ______.

a. clients()      b. members() c. customers()           d. players()

16. A situation in a game where in the payoff matrix, maximin of row is equal to the minimax of column is called ______.

a. centre point()                    b. main point ()                      c. saddle point()     d. equal point()

17. The game having more than two players is called _____ game.

a. multi-person()       b. many person        ()          c. n-person()            d. unknown person()

18. In a game, the alternatives or courses of action available to each player are called _____.

a. optional()               b. choices()               c. actions()    d. strategies()

19. The outcome of the interaction and selected strategies of opponents in the game is called _____.

a. income()                b. profit()                    c. payoff()     d. gains()

20. The time involved in moving jobs from one machine to another is called ______.

a. negligible()           b. positive number() c. significant()           d. important()

21. Method to solve job sequencing problems is known as ______.

a. Johnson’s Rule()           b. earliest due date rule()               c. First come , first serve rule()            d. slack time remaining()

22. Saddle point is ______.

a. equilibrium point()                     b. balanced growth point () c. imbalanced growth point() d. unstable equilibrium point()

23. A strategy that is ______ regardless of what rival players do is called a dominant strategy.

a. penalized()                        b. enduring loss       ()          c. worst ()       d. best()

24. A ____ occurs when each player selects one of its strategies.

a. lose()                      b. course of action()             c. least           ()          d. play()

25. The game is fair when value of the game is _____.

a. 1()               b.  0 ()             c. 2()   d.  4()

26. The best course of action is called _____ strategy.

a. optimal()   b. non-optimal()        c. mixed ()      d. pure()

27. If there _____ player/s in a game , it is known as n person game.

a. is 1()                       b. is 2()                       c. more then 2()                   d. less then 2()

28. In the Principle of Dominance method if saddle point exists then the matrix is reduced to ______ matrix .

a. 1x1()                      b. 2x2()                       c. null ()                      d. identify()

29.  MODI method is used to obtain ______.

a. optimal solutions()           b. optimal test()                     c. Both a and b()         d. optimization()

30. The solution of any transportation problem is obtained in how many stages?

a. 5()               b. 4()               c. 3()               d. 2()

31. A game is deterministic when the value of the game is _______.

a. one ()          b. zero           ()          c. least()         d. highest ()

32. A game is probabilistic when value of the game is _____.

a. equal to 1()                       b. equal to 0()                      c. not equal to 1()     d. not equal to 10()

33. A game is called a zero-sum game when value of the game is ______.

a. 0()               b. 1()               c. 2()               d. 4()

34. Processing time are _______ of order of processing of jobs.

a. independent ()                b. negligible()                        c. dependent()                      d. reliant()

35. Transportation algorithm can be used for minimizing the transportation cost of ______ from O origins and D destinations.

a. Goods()    b. products()  c. items          ()          d. none of these ()

36. When total supply is equal to total demand in a transportation problem, the problem is said to be

a. balanced()            b. unbalanced()        c. degerate()  d, none of these ()

37. If an opportunity cost value is used for an unused cell to test optimality, it should be

a. equal to zero()                  b. most negative number()          c. most positive number ()  d. any value()

38. A path formed by allowing horizontal and vertical lines and the entire corner cells of which are occupied is called a

a. occupied path()    b. open path()           c. closed path()       d. none of these()

39. An optimal solution is the _____ stage of a solution obtained by improving the initial solution.

a. third()                     b. first()                       c. second()   d. final()

40. In sequencing problem the order of completion of the jobs is called____.

a. completion sequence     ()          b. job sequence()   c. processing order()            d. job order≥

41. To convert a 3-machine problem, say A,B,C to a 2-machine problem the following conditions needs to be satisfied:______

a. Min A≥ Max B()    b. Min C ≥ Max B()   c. Min B ≥ Max A()   d. either option a or option b()

42. One disadvantage of using North –West Corner rule to find initial solution to transportation problem  is that

a. it is complicate to use()   b. it does not take into account cost of transportation()    c. it leads to a degenerate initial solution()          d. none of these()

43. An alternative optimal solution to a minimization transportation problem exists whenever opportunity cost corresponding to unused route of transportation is

a. positive and greater than zero()            b. positive with at least one equal to zero()    c. negative with at least one equal to zero()        d. none of these()

44. The occurrence of degeneracy while solving a transportation problem means that

a. total supply equals total demand()        b. the solution so obtained is not feasible()   c. the few allocations become negative() d. none of these()

45. The dummy source or destination in a transportation problem is added to

a. satisfy rim conditions()                        b. prevent solution from becoming degenerate() c. ensure that the total cost does not exceed a limit()   d. none of these ()

46. The initial problem of a transportation problem can be obtained by applying any known method. However, the only condition is that _______

a. the solution be optimal() b. the rim conditions are satisfied()      c. the solution not be degenerate()             d. none of these()

47. To find initial feasible solution of a transportation problem the method which starts allocation from the lowest cost is called ______ method.

a. North west corner()          b. least cost()           c. south east corner()          d. Vogel’s approximation()

48. In a transportation problem the method of penalties is called ________ method.

a. least cost()            b. south east corner()          c. Vogel’s approximation()           d. north west corner()

49. Which of the following method is used to verify the optimality of the current solution of the transportation problem

a. least cost method ()         b. Vogel’s approximation method()           c. modified distribution method()       d. none of these ()

50. _____ developed the Game Theory. 

a. J. R. Hicks()          b. William J. Baumol()         c. Neumann Morgenstern()          d. Samuelson P. T. ()





SUB :  Brand management




1.    ……… Function of the marketing that gives Identity or Face value to a product.

a.    Branding

b.    Market research

c.    Co branding

d.    Marketing

2.    ……….. are What companies manufacture where as ……. Are what Consumer buy.

a.    Brands and product

b.    Product and Brand

c.    Market and product

d.    Production and marketing

3.    …………. Is a promise that the product will perform as per Customers Expectations.

a.    Product

b.    Feasibility

c.    Brand

d.    Money

4.    …………. Is a set of functional , emotional and rational association and benefit which have occupied target markets mind.

a.    Brand

b.    Product

c.    Value

d.    Money

5.    …………..Branding aims at selling whereas ……..Branding Aims at connecting.

a.    Rational and Emotional

b.    Emotional and rational

c.    Hard and Soft

d.    Soft and hard

6.    …………… aspects of Brand Management includes the core product ,price,  packing.

a.    Goods

b.    Service

c.    Tangible

d.    Intangible

7.     …… aspects of Brand Management includes product , Positioning , customer experience ets.

a.    Goods

b.    Services

c.    Tangible

d.    Intangible

8.    Brand …………… Uses mental maps and perceptual mapping for gauging the perceived benefits and advantages form the brand.

a.    Positioning

b.    Resonance

c.    Targeting

d.    Segmenting

9.    Brand ………..  describe how to create intense, activity loyalty relationship with customer.

a.    Positioning

b.    Resonance

c.    Targeting

d.    Segmenting

10. Logo , Tagline, jingles are example are ……

a.    Brand Chain

b.    Brand Value

c.    Brand awareness

d.    Brand Element

11.  A …………… program is coordinated and well designed set of activity to achieve marketing objectives.

a.    Marketing

b.    Branding

c.    Positioning

d.    Service

12.  ……….. means linking the brand to some other entity like corporate brand, celebrity, country of origin event etc.

a.    Brand Element

b.    Leveraging secondary brand association

c.    Marketing

d.    Branding

13.  …………………. Are comprehensive examination of a brand to, assess its health and uncover its source of equity .

a.    Brand Audit

b.    Brand Study

c.    Bran tracking

d.    Brand building

14. ………….  Is a collection of information from consumers on a routine basis over time .

a.    Brand Audit

b.    Brand Study

c.    Brand Tracking

d.    Brand Building

15.  ……………… is a set of organisational process designed to improve the understanding and use of the brand equity concept with in a firm.

a.    Brand tracking studies

b.    Brand equity Management system

c.    Brand building

d.    Brand audit

16. ……………. Provide general guideline about branding strategy and the brand element to be applied across all the different product sold by firm.

a.    Brand Architecture

b.    Brand equity Management system

c.    Brand building

d.    Brand audit

17. ………………. Is a set of a different brand that a particular firm offers for sale to buyers in a particular category

a.    Brand Architecture

b.    Brand Portfolio

c.    Brand Audit

d.    Brand tracking

18. ……………… Displays the number and nature of command and distinctive brand components across the firms set of brands.

a.    Brand hierarchy

b.    Brand portfolio

c.    Brand audit

d.    Brand tracking

19. Customer based Brand equity has been developed by ………………………

a.    Philip Kotlar

b.    David johnson

c.    Marshall

d.    Kevin keller

20. …………………… is defined as the differential effect that brand knowledge  has an customer response to the marketing of the brand.

a.    Customer Based Brand equity

b.    Producer Based Brand equity

c.    Marketer based brand equity

d.    Supplier based brand equity

21. ………………………….. means what consumer have learned ,felt, seen and heard about the brand.

a.    Brand Audit

b.    Brand tracking

c.    Brand Knowledge

d.    Brand equity

22. ……………… is when consumer react more favourably to a product and the way it is marketed when the brand is identified then when it is not.

a.    Positive Customer based brand equity

b.    Negative customer based brand equity

c.    Zero Customer based brand equity

d.    One Customer based brand equity

23. ……………… is the level of consumer consciousness of a company.

a.    Brand Audit

b.    Brand Awareness

c.    Brand Image

d.    Brand Study

24. Unaided recall is also known as …………….

a.    Brand recognition

b.    Brand Awareness

c.    Brand Image

d.    Brand Recall

25. Aided brand recall is known  as…..

a.    Brand recognition

b.    Brand Awareness

c.    Brand Image

d.    Brand Recall

26. ………… refers to the ability of the consumer to correctly elicit a brand name from memory when prompted by a product category.

a.    Brand recognition

b.    Brand recall

c.    Brand Audit

d.    Brand study

27. The  ………… can be seen as a mark of quality and are perceived as credible.

a.    Celebrity endorsement

b.    Third party source

c.     Licensing

d.    Co branding

28. Sponsorship at Olympics is an example of leveraging…………….. brand association to enhance brand equity.

a.    First

b.    Primary

c.    Secondary

d.    Third

29. ………………. Breaks the clutter for the brand.

a.    Celebrity endorsement

b.    Third party source

c.    Cobranding

d.    Primary

30. Disney leverages secondary brand association through………………

a.    Celebrity endorsement

b.    Third party source

c.    Co branding

d.    Licensing

31. ………….. is also know as brand partnership.

a.    Leveraging

b.    Co- Branding

c.    Third party endorsement

d.    Branding

32. Ingredient branding is a form of …………….

a.    Co branding

b.    Leveraging

c.    Third party endorsement

d.    Branding

33. The concept of “made in” a particular country refers to …………….

a.    Leveraging

b.    Co Branding

c.    Country of origin

d.    People

34. …………… is an act of using the brand name of the company in the overall advertising efforts and all the communication to the stakeholders.

a.    Corporate branding

b.    Co branding

c.    Leveraging

d.    Brand

35. ………….. means relating existing brands with corporate image.

a.    Co branding

b.    Corporate branding

c.    Leverage

d.    Brand

36. Choosing brand elements developing marketing programs and……………..enhance overall brand equity .

a.    Co branding

b.    Corporate branding

c.    Brand image

d.    Leveraging secondary brand association (LSBA)

37. Employees are endorsers are the root through ………… for leveraging secondary brand association

a.    People

b.    Things

c.    Brand

d.    Value

38. Channels of distribution and country of origin are the root through ………………. For LSBA.

a.    People

b.    Things

c.    Place

d.    Value

39. Distribution channels are part of the ……. Process, Answering questing “how do we get our product to the consumer” ?

a.    Upstream

b.     Down stream

c.    Level

d.    Value

40. A ……………. Is the path by which all goods and services must travel to arrive at the intended consumer .

a.    Distribution channel

b.    Country of origin

c.    Brand

d.    Things

41. The goal of …………. Is to create strong, even emotional, customer connection to a brand.

a.    Level

b.    Market

c.    Relationship marketing

d.    Transactional marketing

42. …………. Includes money , time, and labour.

a.    Relationship marketing

b.    Perceived cost

c.    Perceived benefit

d.    Price strategy

43.  …………………… exists on three levels that are physical, logical, emotional.

a.    Perceived costs

b.    Perceived benefit

c.    Price strategy

d.    Product strategy

44. …………… is define as the road map of the product.

a.    Product strategy

b.    Price strategy

c.    Place strategy

d.    Promotional Strategy

45. …………….. is an approach to selling goods and services in which a prospect explicitly agrees in advance to receive marketing information.

a.    Relationship marketing

b.    Brand marketing

c.    Permission marketing

d.    Goal marketing

46. The concept of permission marketing has been popularized by ………………….

a.    Seth godin

b.    Philip kotlar

c.    Kelvin keller

d.    Marshall

47. Experiential marketing is also known as ……………….

a.    Permission marketing

b.    Brand marketing

c.    Relationship marketing

d.    Engagement marketing

48. The goal of ……………. Is to truly engage customers or prospective customers by communicating with each  as an individual .

a.    Relationship marketing

b.    Personalized marketing

c.    Permission marketing

d.    Engagement marketing

49. A ……………….. is a short song ot tune used in advertising and for other commercial uses.

a.    Tagline

b.    Jingle

c.    Logo

d.    Symbol

50. Amul girl is an Example of ……………..

a.    Brand Mascot

b.    Engagement marketing

c.    Tagline

d.    Jingle







1.    GST stands for _______________

A] Goods and Supply Tax       B] Goods and Sales Tax 

 C] Goods and Services Tax   D] Goods and Simple Tax 


 2. In India, GST structure is _______ in nature.

               A] Dual B] single C] triple D] quadruple


3.GST was introduced in India on ?

A] 1-4-2017 B] 01-07-2017 C] 01-03-2017 D] 01-05-2017


        4. Supply of following is not liable to GST

               A] Alcoholic  liquor for medicinal consumption   B] Alcoholic  liquor for human consumption

            C] Alcoholic  liquor for industrial consumption    D] Alcoholic  liquor for animal consumption


        5. HSN code stands for :

            A] Harmonised system number  B] Home Shopping Network  C] Home State Number

            D] Harmonised System of Nomenclature


        6. The item which will be taxable under both GST as  well Central Excise Law  even after

            implementation of the GST Act.  

            A] motor spirit B] natural gas C] Tobacco and Tobacco products 

              D] Alcoholic liquor for human consumption


       7. Which of the following taxes have not  been subsumed under GST?

              A] VAT B] luxury tax C] Service tax  D] Stamp duty


       8. The __________ is the chairperson is GST council.

             A] Union Finance Minister B] State Finance minister C] President D] Home minister


       9. Compensation  under Goods And Service Tax Compensation Act, 2017,will be provided to a state for a period of ______ years from  the date on which the state brings its SGST act into force.

A] Three B]Four C]Five D]Two


       10. Gifts  not exceeding  __________ in value in a financial year  by an employer to an employee

shall not be treated as supply of goods or both.

A] 50,000 B]60,000 C]70,000 D]35,000

  11. Temporary transfer or permitting the use or enjoyment of  any intellectual property

 right shall be  treated as __________

A] supply of goods  B] supply of service C] neither supply of goods nor supply of service

D] either supply of goods or a supply of service


12. Renting of immovable property is ___________

A] supply of goods  B] supply of service C] neither supply of goods nor supply of service

D] either supply of goods or a supply of service


13. Services of funeral, burial , crematorium or mortuary including transportation of

 the deceased shall be treated as ___________

A] supply of goods  B] supply of service C] neither supply of goods nor supply of service

D] either supply of goods or a supply of service


14. ______________ means a supply made by a taxable person  to a recipient  consisting of two or more taxable supplies of goods and services or both, or any combination thereof , which are naturally bundled and supplied in conjunction with each other in the ordinary course of

business, one of which is principal supply.

A] Composite supply B] Principal supply C] mixed supply D] inward supply


15. Persons shall be deemed to be “related persons” if any person directly or indirectly owns,controls or holds _______ or more of the outstanding voting stock or

 shares or both of them.

A]35% B]40% C]50% D]25%


16. Development, design, programming, customization, adaption , upgradation ,

 enhancement , implementation of information technology software shall be treated as____________

A] supply of goods  B] supply of service C] neither supply of goods nor supply of service

D] either supply of goods or a supply of service


17. The functions performed by members of Parliament, Members of State Legislature, Members of Gram Panchayat and other local authorities shall be treated as______________

A] supply of goods  B] supply of service C] neither supply of goods nor supply of service

D] either supply of goods or a supply of service


18. _____________ means two or more individual supplies of goods or services, or any combination thereof, made in conjunction with each other by a taxable person for a single price where such supply does not constitute a composite supply.

A] Composite supply B] Principal supply C] mixed supply D] inward supply


19. ________ is levied on inter state supply of goods.


20. Agreeing to an obligation to refrain from an act , or to tolerate an act or a situation or

to do an act  is _________

A] supply of goods  B] supply of service C] neither supply of goods nor supply of service

D] either supply of goods or a supply of service


21. IGST means_______________ .

A] Inter- state GST  B] Integrated GST   C] Import GST   D] International GST


22. Which of the following is a composite supply?

A] Doctor's service with medicines B] package with fruits and chocolates

C] supply of computer printer with laptop D] coaching centre with monthly excursions on trekking


23. GST is ­____________ .

A] direct tax  B] destination based C] foreign tax D]Origin based


24. ___________ is levied on Intra State supplies of Goods / Services.

A] Only CGST   B] IGST C] Only SGST D] Both CGST & SGST


25. An Intra State supply within Union Territory will be subject to levy of ____________



26. In GST taxable event is _____________

A] Manufacture B] Sale C] Barter  D]Supply


27. Direct taxes are ____________ in nature

A] Regressive B] progressive C] Tax on tax D] value added tax


28. Indirect taxes are ____________ in nature

A] Regressive B] progressive C] Tax on tax D] value added tax


29. Any transfer of the title in goods is a supply of ____________

A] supply of goods  B] supply of service C] neither supply of goods nor supply of service

D] either supply of goods or a supply of service


30. ____________ specifies the activities which are treated as supply even if  made without consideration

A] Schedule I of CGST Act   B] Schedule II  of CGST Act  C] Schedule III of CGST Act

D] Schedule IV of CGST Act


31. . _____________ consists of activities or transactions which shall be treated  neither supply of goods nor a supply of services.

A] Schedule I of CGST Act   B] Schedule II  of CGST Act  C] Schedule III of CGST Act

D] Schedule IV of CGST Act


     32. Services by any court or tribunal  established under any law for the time being in force are

A] supply of goods  B] supply of service C] neither supply of goods nor supply of service

D] either supply of goods or a supply of service


     33. Actionable claims ,other than betting, gambling and lottery shall be treated as ____________

 A] supply of goods  B] supply of service C] neither supply of goods nor supply of service

D] either supply of goods or a supply of service


 34. Hire purchase of goods is ___________

 A] supply of goods  B] supply of service C] neither supply of goods nor supply of service

D] either supply of goods or a supply of service


35. A Mobile phone is sold with a mobile charger to a customer for a Rs.60,000. The CGST and SGST  laptop is 18% and for laptop bag is 28%. What would be applicable rate of tax  leviable?

A] 46% B]28% C]18% D]0%


36. GST is a national level tax based on __________

A] last point of tax principle B] first point of tax principle C] value added principle

  D]value deducted principle


37. Shoppers stop Ltd offers a combo pack of shirt, wallet and perfume for Rs.2000. The rate of tax for  shirt, wallet and perfume are 12%,5% and 10% respectively. The applicable rate of tax for the combo pack will be _____

A] 10% B]5% C]27% D]12%


38. . The idea of GST in India was first mooted by _____________.

A]Kishan task force B]Kelkar task force C]Congress task force D]BJP task force


39. Which of the following taxes have not  been subsumed under GST?

              A] VAT B] luxury tax C] Electricity duty  d]Central sales tax


40. Which of the following taxes have not  been subsumed under GST?

              A] VAT B] luxury tax C]octroi duty  d]Profession tax


41. ____________ has been appointed as the Managed service provider  of GSTN.

A] Infosys B]TCS C]Reliance Ltd D]RBI


42. GSTN stands for _____________

A]Goods and service tax number B]Goods and service tax network C]Goods and service tax note

D]Goods and service tax nation


43. The quorum of GST council meeting is _________ of members.

A]20% B]30% C]50% D]60%


44. The CGST Act,2017 extends to _______________

A] Whole of India excluding Jammu and Kashmir

B]Whole of India

C] Whole of India excluding Jammu and Kashmir and Union Territories

D] Whole of India excluding Jammu and Kashmir but including  Union Territories


45. GST council was formed under article __________

A]229B  B]279C C]297A D]279A


46.____________ petroleum products have been temporarily been kept out of GST.

A] One B]Two C] Five D]Four



47. An easement  to occupy land is supply of ___________

A] supply of goods  B] supply of service C] neither supply of goods nor supply of service

D] either supply of goods or a supply of service


48. Transfer or disposal of goods forming part of the assets of the business is ________________.

A] supply of goods  B] supply of service C] neither supply of goods nor supply of service

D] either supply of goods or a supply of service


49. Sale of land is _____________.

A] supply of goods  B] supply of service C] neither supply of goods nor supply of service

D] either supply of goods or a supply of service


50. Supply of warehoused goods to any person before clearance for home consumption is _______________.

A] supply of goods  B] supply of service C] either supply of goods nor supply of service

D] neither supply of goods or a supply of service





SUB : International Finance




1. Statistical residue is a part of_______.

(a) Errors and omissions (b) Current account (c) Capital account

(d) Reserve account .

2. Sale or purchase of gold in BoP is covered under ______.

(a) Capital account (b) Current account (c) Official reserve account

(d) Balancing items

3. FDI stands for ______.

(a) Foreign direct intermediation  (b) Foreign domestic investment  (c) Foreign direct intervention  (d) Foreign direct investment

4. FDI in BoP is covered under ______.

(a) Capital account  (b) Current account  (c) Official reserve account  (d) Balancing items

5. The ______ of a country is a systemic account, in the form of summarized record, of all economic transactions between residents of a country and non-residents over a given period of time.

(a) Balance of trade  (b) Balance of Payments  (c) Balance of visible trade  (d) Balance of invisible trade

6. The BoP covers period of _______.

(a) 6 months  (b) 36 months  (c) 12 months  (d) 3 months

7. _______ account includes imports and exports of goods/services and unilateral transfer of goods/services including transfer of money for family living expenses.

(a) Current account  (b) Capital account  (c) Official reserve account  (d) Balancing items

8. ______ records all international transaction that involve creation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies.

(a) Current account  (b) Capital account  (c) Official reserve account  (d) Balancing items

9. ______ effectively reflects the net flow of goods, services and unilateral transfers.

(a) Current account (b) Capital account  (c) Official reserve account  (d) Balancing items

10. ______ also relates to international assets and liabilities for such transactions which the country’s monetary authorities use to settle the deficits and surpluses that arise out of other two categories of accounts.

(a) Reserve account  (b) Capital account  (c) Current account  (d) Balancing items

11. ______ decide upon the tariff and duties to be levied on imports basis the BoP data.

(a) RBI  (b) EXIM  (c) Government  (d) NABARD

12. ______ use the data of BoP to formulate Monetary and Fiscal policies.

(a) Policymakers  (b) Commercial bank  (c) NBFC  (d) Forex

13. For ______, Government can adopt various measures in order to enhance exports and increase foreign currency inflows.

(a) Developed nations  (b) Foreign exchange market  (c) Developing economies  (d) Stock market

14. ______ use BoP data to decide upon various policies suitable for their business and industry.

(a) Corporates  (b) Government  (c) Stock exchange  (d) AMC

15. ______ is described as the difference between the value of merchandise exports and the value of merchandise imports.

(a) Balance of payment  (b) Balance of trade  (c) Balancing items  (d) Unilateral transfers

16. ______ is also known as balance of merchandise trade, and it covers all transactions related to movable goods where the ownership of goods changes from residents to non-residents  and from non-residents to residents.

(a) Balance of visible trade  (b) Balance of invisible trade  c) Balance of payments  (d) Unilateral transfers

17. ______ records all the services exported and imported by a country in a year.

(a) Balance of visible trade  (b) Balance of invisible trade  (c) Balance of payments  (d) Unilateral transfers

18. ______ is an economic transaction between residents of two nations over a stipulated period of time usually a calender year.

(a) Cash transactions  (b) credit transactions  (c) Unilateral transfers  (d) Currency exchange

19. Unilateral transfers are included in the ______ account of a nation’s balance of payment.

(a) Current  (b) Capital  (c) Reserve  (d) Balancing items

20. A transaction undertaken in normal course of business in response to given environment of price levels, exchange rates, interest rates etc.

(a) Autonomous Items  (b) Accommodating Items  (c) Cash transaction  (d) Credit transaction

21. A transaction undertaken with specific intention of adjusting the imbalance arising out of other transaction.

(a) Cash transaction  (b) Autonomous Items  c) Accommodating Items  (d) Credit transaction

22. If the domestic expenditure of the economy is more than the domestic output, it results in ______.

(a) BoP deficit  (b) Bop imbalance  (c) Loss  (d) Profit

23. ______ refers to the freedom to convert the domestic currency into another currencies.

(a) Capital account convertibility  (b) Currency convertibility  (c) Foreign exchange market  (d) FEMA

24. ______ is the freedom of foreign investors to purchase Indian financial assets and that of the domestic citizens to purchase foreign financial assets.

(a) Capital account convertibility  (b) Currency convertibility  (c) Foreign exchange market  (d) FEMA

25. The ______ is a subset of the national balance sheet.

(a) IIP  (b) FII  c) FDI  (d) CP

26. A ______ is the price of a foreign currency.

(a) Bid Price  (b) Ask Price  (c) Foreign exchange rate  (d) Swap rate

27. A ______ is the exchange rate in one currency at which a dealer will buy another currency.

(a) Bid Price  (b) Ask Price  (c) Foreign exchange rate  (d) Swap rate

28. An ______ is the exchange rate at which the dealer will sell the other currency.

(a) Bid Price  (b) Ask Price  (c) Foreign exchange rate  (d) Swap rate

29. Under the ______ the variations of the exchange rates are inversely related to the changes in the value of the domestic currency.

(a) Direct Quote  (b) Indirect Quote  (c) Spot Quote  (d) Forward Quote

30. Under _______ the rise and fall of exchange rates are directly related to the changes in the value of domestic currency.

(a) Direct Quote  (b) Indirect Quote  (c) Spot Quote  (d) Forward Quote

31. ______ is known as today’s quote.

(a) Direct Quote  (b) Spot Quote  (c) Inter-bank Quote  (d) Forward Quote

32. ______ is the quote which is average of the Bid and Ask price.

(a) Direct Quote  (b) Inter-bank Quote  (c) Mid Quote  (d) Forward Quote

33. ______ indicates the rate at which exchange of currencies take place on the next working day after the date of deal.

(a) Tom  (b) Cash  (c) Spot  (d)Forward

34. ______ is the account maintained by a domestic bank with a foreign bank in foreign currency.

(a) Current  (b) Nostro  (c) Vostro  (d) Loro

35. ______ is the account maintained by a foreign bank with a domestic bank in domestic currency.

(a) Current  (b) Nostro  (c) Vostro  (d) Loro

36. ______ is the account maintained by domestic bank on behalf of other domestic bank in foreign bank in foreign currency.

(a) Current  (b) Nostro  (c) Vostro  (d) Loro

37. Calculate inverse quote: GBP 1 = INR 99.1100/99.9900

(a) 0.0100/0.0101  (b) 0.0103/0.0104  (c) 0.0105/0.0106  (d) 99.1200/99.1300

38. USD EUR 0.7950/80, EUR USD?

(a) 1.2541/1.2569  (b) 1.2670/1.2680  (c) 1.2531/1.2579  (d) 1.2555/1.2565

39. USD INR 61.4141/61.5151, INR USD?

(a) 0.0163/0.0163  (b) 0.0165/0.0166  (c) 0.0163/0.0167  (d) 0.0011/0.0012

40. GBP USD 1.6666/1.7777, USD INR 60.1111/60.2222, What is INR GBP rate?

(a) 0.0100/0.0101  (b) 0.0102/0.0103  (c) 0.0103/0.0103  (d) 0.0104/0.0105

41. EUR USD 1.2650/1.2680, Calculate Mid-rate

(a) 1.2667  (b) 1.2665  (c)1.3267  (d) 1.2668

42. EUR USD 1.2650/1.2680, Calculate Spread

(a) 0.0030  (b) 0.0040  (c) 0.0027  (d) 0.0050

43. EUR USD 1.2650/1.2680, Calculate %Spread

(a) 0.35%  (b) 0.22%  (c) 0.39%  (d) 0.24%

44. ______ is also known as Mid-rate.

(a) Spread  (b) Mean-rate  (c) Exchange rate  (d) Bid-rate

45. Spot rate is also called as ______.

(a) Future price  (b) Forward price  (c) Swap price  (d) Current market price

46. Inverse quote for USD/DKK 5.7935 - 5.8085 is:

(a) DKK/USD 0.1722-0.1726  (b) USD/DKK 0.1722-0.1726  (c) DKK/USD 0.1726-0.1722  (d) USD/DKK 0.1726-0.1722

47. Inverse quote for 1 GBP = 99.1100/9900 INR is INR GBP ______.

(a) 0.0101/0.0100  (b) 0.0100/0.0105  (c) 0.0105/0.0100  (d) 0.0100/0.0101

48. SBI A/c with HSBC in UK is an example of ______.

(a) Loro  (b) Vostro  (c) Nostro  (d) SWIFT

49. In spot market, exchange of currencies take place on ______.

(a) T + 1  (b) T + 2  (c) T + 0  (d) T + 4

50. The quote 1 GBP = Rs 99.85 is a direct quote for ______.

(a) India  (b) US  (c) UK  (d) Japan





SUB : Innovative Financial Services




1.   All types of activities which are of a financial nature is called as?

(a) Financial activity  b) Financial services  (c) Financial market  (d) Financial exchange

2.    Financial services can also be called as?

(a) Financial intermediation  (b) Financial practice  (c) Forfaiting  (d) Factoring

3.   From below given options select characteristics of financial services:

(a) Economic growth  (b) Provision of liquidity (c) Contribution to GNP  (d) Perishability

4.   Financial services cannot be standardized or reproduced in the same form. Which characteristics define this:

(a) Variability  (b) Intangibility  (c) Inseparability  (d) Perishability

5.   From below given options select fund based activities of financial services:

(a) Securitization  (b) Hire purchase  (c) Stock broking  (d) Merchant banking

6.   Financial services cannot be stored. They have to be supplied when customers need them. Which characteristics define this:

(a) Variability  (b) Intangibility  (c) Inseparability  (d) Perishability

7.   Select from below given options who provides financial services:

(a) Portfolio Managers  (b) PR agency  (c) Coaching institute (d) Recruitment agency

8.   Which organization is a financial intermediary who helps to shift capital from those who possess it to those who need it?

(a) Credit rating agency  (b) Underwriters  (c) Merchant banking  (d) Mutual funds

9.   From below given options select non-fund based activities of financial services:

(b) Securitization  (b) Hire purchase  (c) Seed capital  (d) Insurance services

10.                                            It refers to the process of managing the sales register of a client by a financial services company.

(a)  Forfeiting  (b) Leasing  (c) Factoring  (d) Custodial services

11.                                            A transaction where the delivery of foreign currency takes place at a specified future date for a specified price. It may have a fixed or flexible maturity date.

(a) Futures  (b) Forward  (c) Options  (d) Swaps

12.                                           What is Equity, Debt, Hybrid and Mutual funds?

(a) Financial instruments  (b) Market players  (c) Financial organizations (d) Commodity market products

13.                                            What is the organization which includes Government department, RBI, SEBI, BIFR etc known as?

(a) Custodial services  (b) Regulatory bodies  (c) Financial organizations  (d) Merchant bankers

14.                                            It is a technique whereby a financial company converts its ill-liquid, non-negotiable and high value financial assets into securities of small value which are made tradable and transferable.

(a) Derivative security  (b) Factoring  (c) Securitization of debt  (d) Forfeiting

15.                                           When did Indian economy got liberalized?

(a) 1990  (b) 1991  (c) 1987  (d) 1985

16.                                           What brought complete transformation in the Indian financial services industry?

(a) Privatization  (b) Liberalization  (c)Globalization (d)Reformation

17.                                           The number of stock exchanges in the country has gone up to _____ in 1994.

(a) 20  (b) 17  (c) 22  (d) 25

18.                                           Which organization liberalized many stringent conditions so as to boost the capital and money markets?

(a) SEBI  (b) RBI  (c) NABARD  (d) EXIM

19.                                           India has how many public sector banks?

(a) 20  (b) 35  (c)23  (d)37

20.                                           Identify problems in Financial services sector:

(a) Lack of transparency  (b) Lack of money  (c) Lack of regulatory body  (d) Inefficient system

21.                                           What is financial institution that provide banking services, but do not hold a banking license called as?

(a) Mutual funds  (b) NBFC  (c) EXIM  (d) NABARD

22.                                           In India, which organization is heart of the Indian financial and Monetary system?

(a) RBI  (b) SEBI  (c) EXIM  (d) NABARD

23.                                           When was RBI established?

(a) 1935  (b) 1936  (c)1948  (d) 1932

24.                                           When was SEBI established?

(a) 1966  (b) 1983  (c) 1988  (d) 1987

25.                                           Who promotes investor education and training of intermediaries in securities market?

(a) RBI  (b) SEBI  (c) EXIM  (d) NABARD

26.                                           NBFC is a company registered under _________

(a) The Indian contract Act  (b) The Companies Act,1956  (c) The RBI Act  (d) The SEBI Act

27.                                           The maximum load that a fund can exchange is determined by _____

(a) SEBI  (b) RBI  (c) AMFI  (d) Distributing Agent

28.                                           _______ is a market for financial assets which have a long or indefinite maturity.

(a) Financial system  (b) Financial market  (c) Capital market  (d) Money market

29.                                           A set of complex and closely connected instructions, agents, practices, markets transactions, claims and liabilities relating to financial aspects of an economy is referred as _______

(a) Financial system  (b) Financial market  (c) Financial institution  (d) Financial management

30.                                           ________ provides resources to finance receivables.

(a) Factoring  (b) Forfaiting  (c) RBI  (d) Mutual funds

31.                                           The buyer of the receivable is called as ________

(a) Investor  (b) Broker  (c) Factor  (d) Seller

32.                                           ________ is the method of converting receivables into cash.

(a) Factoring  (b) Underwriting  (c) Advisory services  (d) Forfaiting

33.                                           ________ is to collect cash against receivables on due date from the customers of the clients and furnish reports to the client.

(a) Receivable management  (b) Information services  (c) Bad debts  (d) Sales ledger administration

34.                                           What is levied for the work involved in administering the sales ledger as well as protection against bad debts?

(a) Bad debts charges  (b) Service fee  (c) Interest  (d) Discount charge

35.                                           In this type of factoring, the factor only manages the receivables without taking any risk like bad debts etc.

(a) Non-recourse factoring  (b) Maturity factoring  (c) Recourse factoring  (d) Maturity factoring

36.                                           In this type of factoring, the factor gives advance to the client against receivables and collects interest for the period extending from the date of advance to the date of collection.

(a) Non-recourse factoring  (b) Maturity factoring  (c) Recourse factoring  (d) Invoice discounting

37.                                           In factoring, cash can be got on the invoices within how many hours?

(a) 24 hours  (b) 12 hours  (c) 4 hours  (d) 15 hours

38.                                           It is a very specialized form of International Factoring, used when suppliers are selling large volumes to a few debtors for which it is difficult to cover the credit risk in International Factoring.

(a) Direct Import Factoring  (b) Direct Export Factoring  (c) Back to Back Factoring  (d) Single/direct Factoring system

39.                                           When did RBI issued guidelines for factoring services?

(a) 1990  (b) 1991  (c) 1992  (d) 1994

40.                                           When did the first factoring company- SBI factors and commercial ltd started its operation?

(a) 1990 (b) 1991  (c) 1992  (d) 1993

41.                                           When was Kalyansundaram Committee appointed by RBI?

(a) 1998  (b) 1986  (c) 1989  (d) 1999

42.                                            ________ is defined as ‘ the non-recourse purchase by a bank or any other financial institution, of receivables arising from an export of goods and services ‘.

(a) Factoring  (b) Forfeiting (c) Receivables  (d) Tariffs

43.                                           Under forfeiting, exporter and importer sign which contract?

(a) Commitment to purchase debt  (b) Delivery of goods contract  (c) Commercial contract  (d) Payment to the forfeiter contract

44.                                           Forfaiting in India became available in India’s financial market from ________

(a) 1992  (b) 1998  (c) 1985  (d) 1990

45.                                           The cost of forfaiting is determined by the rate of discount based on the aggregate of ?

(a) MIBOR  (b) LIBOR  (c) NSE  (d) BSE

46.                                           ________ services are mainly provided to foreign investors.

(a) Custodial services  (b) Financial services  (c) Factoring services  (d) Forfaiting services

47.                                           Finance is not available in the following factoring services ________

(a) Without recourse factoring  (b) with recourse factoring  (c) Maturity factoring  (d) Invoice discounting

48.                                           Which of the following is not necessarily a party to a forfaiting transaction?

(a) Exporter  (b) Importer  (c) Broker  (d) Bank

49.                                           The central theme of forfaiting is the purchasing of ________ by a financial service company.

(a) Trade bills  (b) Export bills  (c) Asset  (d) Import bills

50.                                           Buying a company’s accounts receivable on a non-recourse basis is known as ________

(a) Trading  (b) Billing  (c) Factoring  (d) Funding







1.    In case of a manufacturing sector, an enterprise is considered as a micro enterprise if the investment in plant and machinery does not exceed __________

A]1 crore b]25lakhs c]5 crore d]50lakhs


2.    In case of a manufacturing sector, an enterprise is considered as a small enterprise if the investment in plant and machinery does not exceed __________

      A]10 crore b]25lakhs c]5 crore d]50lakhs


3.    In case of a manufacturing sector, an enterprise is considered as a Medium enterprise if the investment in plant and machinery does not exceed __________

      A]10 crore b]25lakhs c]5 crore d]50lakhs


4.    The headquarter of SIDBI is at __________

A]Lucknow B]Mumbai C]Chennai D]Kolkatta


5.    In case of a service sector, an enterprise is considered as a micro enterprise if the investment in equipment does not exceed __________

A]2 crore B]5 crore C]20 lakh D]10 lakh


6.    In case of a service sector, an enterprise is considered as a small enterprise if the investment in equipment does not exceed __________

A]2 crore B]5 crore C]20 lakh D]10 lakh


7.    In case of a service sector, an enterprise is considered as a medium enterprise if the investment in equipment does not exceed __________

A]2 crore B]5 crore C]20 lakh D]10 lakh


8.    The _________ is a head association of the Ministry of Skill Development and entrepreneurship.



9.    _____________ also called as democratized funding  is a web based tool which onvolves seeking mainly smaller funds from  multiple lenders through social platform to fund new ventures.

A] Private equity B]Factoring C]Crowd funding D] Peer to Peer lending


           10._____________ involves selling of accounts receivable  to a third

party  at a  discounted rate to meet the working capital requirements.

          A] Private equity B]Factoring C]Crowd funding D] Peer to Peer lending


11. __________ funds are those which are utilized for high risk and high reward investment.

A] Working capital B]Risk capital C]Seed capital D]Long term capital


           12.Ceiling on the loan under the Credit Linked Capital Subsidy  Scheme is 


                 A]Rs. 1 crore B]Rs.10 crore  C]Rs.100 Crore D]Rs.50 Crore


12. A Composite Loan Limit of  _________ can be sanctioned by banks to enable the MSME entrepreneurs to avail of their working capital and term loan requirement  through single window.

A] Rs.10lakh B] Rs.25 Lakh C]Rs.50Lakh D]Rs. 1 crore


13. The individuals who have surplus money with them and also have keen interest in funding the MSME’s are called __________

A] Equity investors B]Private investors C] surplus investors

D]Angel investors


14.  ­­­­____________ is registered with the SEBI for rating the issue of shares,IPO’s etc.



15. Banks are regulated by ____________

A]Banking regulation Act,1949 B] Reserve Bank of India Act,1934

C] Banking regulation Act,1940 D] Reserve Bank of India Act,1932


16. A banking company in India is required to transfer atleast _____

of the total profit in the current year to reserve fund which would be called as statutory reserve

A]35% B]40% C] 50% D]25%


17. A ___________ is the one in which the borrower fails to make repayment of the interest  as well as the principal for a period not exceeding 90 days.

A] Doubtful assets B]Sub standard assets

C] Standard assets D]Loss assets


18. An asset which is not performing for a period not exceeding 12 months is known as ____________

A] Doubtful assets B]Sub standard assets

C] Standard assets D]Loss assets


19. A __________ is the one which has been sub standard in performing for more than 12 months.

A] Doubtful assets B]Sub standard assets

C] Standard assets D]Loss assets


20. When the bank advances amount to the customer and fails to recover the principal as well as the interest amount , there is a huge burden on the assets of the banking company which are termed as ______________

A] Non performing assets B] Performing assets

 C]Loss assets D] Debt assets


21. ___________ has to be maintained in the form of liquid cash according to the share of a bank’s  total deposit which is mandated by RBI.

A] Statutory liquidity ratio B] Profit ratio

 C]Cash reserve ratio D]Sales ratio


22. __________ is defined as the share of bank’s total deposit  that it needs to maintain as liquid assets.

A] Statutory liquidity ratio B] Profit ratio

 C]Cash reserve ratio D]Sales ratio


23.  While preparing financial statements of a banking company ,

__________ is prepared for deposits.

A] Schedule 1 B] Schedule 2 C] Schedule 3 D] Schedule 4


24.  While preparing financial statements of a banking company ,

__________ is prepared for Share capital.

A] Schedule 1 B] Schedule 2 C] Schedule 3 D] Schedule 4


25. While preparing financial statements of a banking company ,

__________ is prepared for Reserves and surplus.

A] Schedule 1 B] Schedule 2 C] Schedule 3 D] Schedule 4


26. A Provision of _______ is made for loss assets.

A]200% B]50% C]100% D]150%


27. _________ is a company that provides banking services to people without holding a bank license.

A] Fin tech company B] Non banking financial company

C] Banking company D] Public company


28. A provision of ________ is to be created for sub standard assets that are secured ones.

A]10% B]15% C]40% D]20%


29. A provision of ________ is to be created for sub standard assets that are unsecured ones.

A]10% B]15% C]40% D]20%

30.  A general provision of _____ is  created for standard assets which belong to agricultural or SME sector.

A]1% B]0.25% C]0.40% D] 2%


31.  A general provision of _____ is  created for standard assets which belong to real estate sector.

A]1% B]0.25% C]0.40% D] 0.50%


32. Unclaimed dividend is shown by banks under _________

A]Other liabilities and provision  B]Borrowings C]Advances D] Deposits


33.  ZED in the context of MSME’s stands for ___________

A] Zero Defect Zero Effect B]Zero Effect Zero Defect

C]Zero Delays Zero Effect D]Zero effectiveness Zero Defectiveness


34.  A general provision of _____ is  created for standard assets which belong to  sector other than agricultural,SME and real estate sector.

A]1% B]0.25% C]0.40% D] 0.50%


35. _________ refers to  the lack of critical information that is required by banks to make the lending decision.

A]Moral hazard B]information asymmetrics C]forgery D]Granularity


36.  In India, banking license is provided by the _______



37. NBFC’s are registered under __________

A] Banking regulation act B]Reserve bank of India Act

C]Companies Act  D]MSME Act


38. While preparing financial statements of a banking company ,

__________ is prepared for investments.

          A] Schedule 6 B] Schedule 7 C] Schedule 8 D] Schedule 9


        39. While preparing financial statements of a banking company

__________ is prepared for advances.

          A] Schedule 6 B] Schedule 7 C] Schedule 8 D] Schedule 9

        40. While preparing financial statements of a banking company

__________ is prepared for interest earned.

          A] Schedule 16 B] Schedule 12 C] Schedule 13 D] Schedule 11


        41. While preparing financial statements of a banking company

__________ is prepared for interest expended.

          A] Schedule 16 B] Schedule 12 C] Schedule 13 D] Schedule 15


        42. While preparing financial statements of a banking company

__________ is prepared for operating expenses.

         A] Schedule 16 B] Schedule 12 C] Schedule 13 D] Schedule 15


         43. If the standard assets amount to Rs.2,50,000.Then  the amount of       provision will be

         A]Rs.500 B]Rs.625 C]Rs.900 D]Rs.525


         44. If the profit the bank during the current year is Rs.5,60,000, the the amount to be transferred to the statutory reserve as per law will be ________

         A]Rs.1,00,000 B]1,40,000 C]2,20,000 D]2,80,000


         45.The chairman of the management body  of banking company shall  head the body  for a period of ______ years.

          A] 5 years b]2 years c]10 years d]4 years


        46.The banking company cannot pay commission exceeding _____ of the paid up value of the shares on account of the sale of shares.

         A]5% B]2.5% C]10% D]2%


        47. Loans that are provided for a period exceeding 1 year for a maximum period of 20 years are called ________

             A]Medium term loans B]Long term loans

            C] Short term loans D]Bridge loans


       48. ___________ refers to getting the share of ownership of the company in exchange of  funding provided in the form of buying shares of the MSME.

            A] Crowd funding B] peer to peer lending

            C] Equity finance D] Debt finance

      49. Loans that are provided for a period not exceeding 1 year are called


            A]Medium term loans B]Long term loans

            C] Short term loans D]Call loans


      50. . While preparing financial statements of a banking company

__________ is prepared for cash balances.

         A] Schedule 16 B] Schedule 2 C] Schedule 3 D] Schedule 6








1. IGST means_______________ .

A] Inter- state GST  B] Integrated GST   C] Import GST   D] International GST


2. Which of the following is a composite supply?

A] Doctor's service with medicines B] package with fruits and chocolates

C] supply of computer printer with laptop D] coaching centre with monthly excursions on trekking


3. GST is ­____________ .

A] direct tax  B] destination based C] foreign tax D]Origin based


4. ___________ is levied on Intra State supplies of Goods / Services.

A] Only CGST   B] IGST C] Only SGST D] Both CGST & SGST


5. An Intra State supply within Union Territory will be subject to levy of ____________



6. In GST taxable event is _____________

A] Manufacture B] Sale C] Barter  D]Supply


7. Direct taxes are ____________ in nature

A] Regressive B] progressive C] Tax on tax D] value added tax


8. Indirect taxes are ____________ in nature

A] Regressive B] progressive C] Tax on tax D] value added tax


9. Any transfer of the title in goods is a supply of ____________

A] supply of goods  B] supply of service C] neither supply of goods nor supply of service

D] either supply of goods or a supply of service


10. ____________ specifies the activities which are treated as supply even if  made without consideration

A] Schedule I of CGST Act   B] Schedule II  of CGST Act  C] Schedule III of CGST Act

D] Schedule IV of CGST Act


  11. Temporary transfer or permitting the use or enjoyment of  any intellectual property

 right shall be  treated as __________

A] supply of goods  B] supply of service C] neither supply of goods nor supply of service

D] either supply of goods or a supply of service


12. Renting of immovable property is ___________

A] supply of goods  B] supply of service C] neither supply of goods nor supply of service

D] either supply of goods or a supply of service


13. Services of funeral, burial , crematorium or mortuary including transportation of

 the deceased shall be treated as ___________

A] supply of goods  B] supply of service C] neither supply of goods nor supply of service

D] either supply of goods or a supply of service


14. ______________ means a supply made by a taxable person  to a recipient  consisting of two or more taxable supplies of goods and services or both, or any combination thereof , which are naturally bundled and supplied in conjunction with each other in the ordinary course of

business, one of which is principal supply.

A] Composite supply B] Principal supply C] mixed supply D] inward supply


15. Persons shall be deemed to be “related persons” if any person directly or indirectly owns,controls or holds _______ or more of the outstanding voting stock or

 shares or both of them.

A]35% B]40% C]50% D]25%


16. Development, design, programming, customization, adaption , upgradation ,

 enhancement , implementation of information technology software shall be treated as____________

A] supply of goods  B] supply of service C] neither supply of goods nor supply of service

D] either supply of goods or a supply of service


17. he functions performed by members of Parliament, Members of State Legislature, Members of Gram Panchayat and other local authorities shall be treated as______________

A] supply of goods  B] supply of service C] neither supply of goods nor supply of service

D] either supply of goods or a supply of service


18. _____________ means two or more individual supplies of goods or services, or any combination thereof, made in conjunction with each other by a taxable person for a single price where such supply does not constitute a composite supply.

A] Composite supply B] Principal supply C] mixed supply D] inward supply


19. ________ is levied on inter state supply of goods.



20. Agreeing to an obligation to refrain from an act , or to tolerate an act or a situation or

to do an act  is _________

A] supply of goods  B] supply of service C] neither supply of goods nor supply of service

D] either supply of goods or a supply of service


 21.GST stands for _______________

A] Goods and Supply Tax       B] Goods and Sales Tax 

 C] Goods and Services Tax   D] Goods and Simple Tax 


 22. In India, GST structure is _______ in nature.

               A] Dual B] single C] triple D] quadruple


        23.GST was introduced in India on ?

A] 1-4-2017 B] 01-07-2017 C] 01-03-2017 D] 01-05-2017


        24. Supply of following is not liable to GST

               A] Alcoholic  liquor for medicinal consumption   B] Alcoholic  liquor for human consumption

            C] Alcoholic  liquor for industrial consumption    D] Alcoholic  liquor for animal consumption


        25. HSN code stands for :

            A] Harmonised system number  B] Home Shopping Network  C] Home State Number

            D] Harmonised System of Nomenclature


       26. The item which will be taxable under both GST as  well Central Excise Law  even after

            implementation of the GST Act.  

            A] motor spirit B] natural gas C] Tobacco and Tobacco products 

              D] Alcoholic liquor for human consumption


       27. Which of the following taxes have not  been subsumed under GST?

              A] VAT B] luxury tax C] Service tax  D] Stamp duty


       28. The __________ is the chairperson is GST council.

             A] Union Finance Minister B] State Finance minister C] President D] Home minister


       29. Compensation  under Goods And Service Tax Compensation Act, 2017,will be provided to a state for a period of ______ years from  the date on which the state brings its SGST act into force.

A] Three B]Four C]Five D]Two


       30. Gifts  not exceeding  __________ in value in a financial year  by an employer to an employee

shall not be treated as supply of goods or both.

A] 50,000 B]60,000 C]70,000 D]35,000


       31. _____________ consists of activities or transactions which shall be treated  neither supply of goods nor a supply of services.

A] Schedule I of CGST Act   B] Schedule II  of CGST Act  C] Schedule III of CGST Act

D] Schedule IV of CGST Act


     32. Services by any court or tribunal  established under any law for the time being in force are

A] supply of goods  B] supply of service C] neither supply of goods nor supply of service

D] either supply of goods or a supply of service


     33. Actionable claims ,other than betting, gambling and lottery shall be treated as ____________

 A] supply of goods  B] supply of service C] neither supply of goods nor supply of service

D] either supply of goods or a supply of service



 34. Hire purchase of goods is ___________

 A] supply of goods  B] supply of service C] neither supply of goods nor supply of service

D] either supply of goods or a supply of service


35. A laptop is sold with a laptop bag to a customer for a Rs.60,000. The CGST and SGST  laptop is 18% and for laptop bag is 28%. What would be applicable rate of tax  leviable?

A] 46% B]28% C]18% D]0%


36. GST is a national level tax based on __________

A] last point of tax principle B] first point of tax principle C] value added principle

  D]value deducted principle


37. Shoppers stop Ltd offers a combo pack of shirt, wallet and perfume for Rs.2000. The rate of tax for  shirt, wallet and perfume are 12%,5% and 10% respectively. The applicable rate of tax for the combo pack will be _____

A] 10% B]5% C]27% D]12%


38. The idea of GST in India was first mooted by _____________.

A]Kishan task force B]Kelkar task force C]Congress task force D]BJP task force


39. Which of the following taxes have not  been subsumed under GST?

              A] VAT B] luxury tax C] Electricity duty  d]Central sales tax


40. Which of the following taxes have not  been subsumed under GST?

              A] VAT B] luxury tax C]octroi duty  d]Profession tax


41. ____________ has been appointed as the Managed service provider  of GSTN.

A] Infosys B]TCS C]Reliance Ltd D]RBI


42. GSTN stands for _____________

A]Goods and service tax number B]Goods and service tax network C]Goods and service tax note

D]Goods and service tax nation


43. The quorum of GST council meeting is _________ of members.

A]20% B]30% C]50% D]60%


44. The CGST Act,2017 extends to _______________

A] Whole of India excluding Jammu and Kashmir

B]Whole of India

C] Whole of India excluding Jammu and Kashmir and Union Territories

D] Whole of India excluding Jammu and Kashmir but including  Union Territories


45. GST council was formed under article __________

A]229B  B]279C C]297A D]279A


46.____________ petroleum products have been temporarily been kept out of GST.

A] One B]Two C] Five D]Four


47. An easement  to occupy land is supply of ___________

A] supply of goods  B] supply of service C] neither supply of goods nor supply of service

D] either supply of goods or a supply of service


48. Transfer or disposal of goods forming part of the assets of the business is ________________.

A] supply of goods  B] supply of service C] neither supply of goods nor supply of service

D] either supply of goods or a supply of service


49. Sale of land is _____________.

A] supply of goods  B] supply of service C] neither supply of goods nor supply of service

D] either supply of goods or a supply of service


50. Supply of warehoused goods to any person before clearance for home consumption is _______________.

A] supply of goods  B] supply of service C] either supply of goods nor supply of service

D] neither supply of goods or a supply of service










1.    __________ industry is one of the fastest-changing and vibrant industries in the world

a)    Manufacturing   b)  retail  c) wholesale  d) textile


2.    _______has been categorized into two segments such as organized retail sector and unorganized retail sector

Manufacturing   b)  retail  c) wholesale  d) textile

3.    ____________ retail sector is holding the larger share of the retail  market

a)    unorganized  b) organized c) wholesale  d) large


4.    _______________ involves a direct interface with the customer and the coordination of business activities from end to end.

a)    Manufacturing   b)  retailing   c) wholesale  d) private labels


5.    For ____________ retailers a store’s physical layout is an important component in creating a retail experience that will attract customers

a)    non –store  b) store-based  c) public based d) private based


6.    Retail management comprises of____________ of goods and service to the consumer

a)    Marketing   b) convenience  c) suitability   d) utility


7.    ______________ has used 15th August and 26th January as days for giant sales .

a)    Pantaloons l   b) Big Bazaar c) D-mart  d) Walmart


8.    _________________ stores are having a narrow product line with deep variety, viz. apparel stores, book stores, etc

a)    Specialty   b) Department   c) Convenience  d) Non-store


9.    ______________ store is a large retail store offering a wide variety of product under one roof separated by different departments.

a)    Specialty  b) department  c) convenience d) non-store


10. ______________ store are a relatively small store located near a residential area, open long hours, seven days a week, and carrying a limited line of high turnover convenience product at slightly higher prices .

a) Specialty  b) department  c) convenience d) non-store

11. Retailing done without conventional store based locations is called as __________ retailing

a) Specialty  b) department  c) convenience d) non-store

12. _______________ retailing refers to the traditional formats of low cost retailing for example, local Kirana Shops, general stores, etc.

a)    Organized  b) Unorganized   c) Convenience  d) multi channel


13.               Retailing as a great enabler for remodelling retail organizations around the customer, reinforcing brand and driving sustainable, profitable growth.

a)    Organized  b) Unorganized c) Convenience d) Multi channel


14.  Electronic retailing permits _________

a)    Touch and feel factor  b) reduction in set up cost c) point of sale terminal  d)   Visual merchandising



15. ___________ is the use of electronic and digital equipment  for monitoring retail stores in the form of CCTV equipment.

a)    Electronic surveillance   b) RFID  c) EDI   d) FDI


16. ________________identifies the items using a tag, which is made up of a microchip with a coiled antenna, and a reader with an antenna.

a)    Electronic surveillance   b) RFID  c) EDI   d) FDI


17. An _____________ is a system used by retailers to display product price and information on the shelves.

a)    Electronic surveillance   b)  Electronic shelf c) EDI   d) FDI


18.                   is a form of foreign investment which comes in form of a physical set up of a plant in the country where the investor wishes to invest.

a)    Fill  b) FPI  c) FDI d) IIP


19. ___________ is the most preferred mode through which foreign players have entered the Indian market. It is the easiest route to enter the Indian market

a)    Fill   b) Franchising  c) FDI  d) IIP


20. ___________ placed at the exits, prevent shoplifting .

a)    Electronic article surveillance  b) bar code  c)  RFID  d) stock keeping unit


21. ____________ specialises on procuring eco-friendly, organic, natural and suitable products.

a)    Green sourcing  b) green logistic c)  Green infrastructure   d) green technology


22. __________ research provides the correct and latest information for arriving at sound marketing decisions.

a)    Market  b) Marketing c) product    d) behaviour


23. ______________ psychology is the study of human responses to product and service related information and experiences  .

a)    buyer  b) consumer  c) retailer   d) manufacture


24. A                customer will do mouth publicity and will attract many more towards the product

a)    Unsatisfied  b) Satisfied   c) Delighted   d) Frustrated


25. Buying decision process starts with _________

a)    Recognition of needs  b)  Purchase decision   c) evaluation of alternatives  d) post purchase decision

26.              Is a series of parallel vertical lines that can be read by barcode scanners.

a)    Merchandise range   b) travel time  c) shelf  d)  bar code


27. ______________  type of customers typically spent time in the retail store waiting for a friend or during lunch breaks.

a)    Focused fulfillers     b) time killer’s    c) General  browsers   d) analytical


28.                      Can be termed as a value added activity that adds services along with products or goods and them offer it to personal or family use.

a)    Manufacture   b) retailing   d)  servicing   d) management


29.  ___________ management automates and integrates the planning, execution, assessment and refinement of possibly tens to hundred of highly segmented campaigns that run monthly, weekly, daily, or intermittently.

a)    Point of sales  b)  Frequent shopper program  c)  Campaign   d)  CRM


30. ___________ helps in maintaing the relationship by utilizing IT for periodical e-mailing, SMS greetings, promotional letters and personal calling.

a)    Point of sales  b) Frequent shopper program  c) Campaign d) CRM


31.  ___________ provide the ways to gather lead contact information, house it, use for communication purpose, and run reports on the data researchers have collected

a)    Point of sales  b) customer analytics   c) campaign d) CRM


32. ____________ management is a tactically driven approach based on customer behaviour.

a)    Point of sales  b) Frequent shopper program  c) Campaign  d) Customer retention


33.  __________ offer various incentives and rewards to consumers based on cumulative purchase from a given provider, be it a store a service or a manufacture.

a)    Point of sales  b) frequent shopper program c) campaign  d) Customer retention


34. __________is a tool used for measuring improving bond and building loyalty with consumers

a)    CRM   b) HRM  c) infrastructure management d) Facility management

35. A ___________ format is the retailers type of retail mix

a)    Wholesale   b)  Retail   c)  Manufacture   d) Selling


36. A_______ competitive advantage is an advantage over competition that is not easily copied and thus can be maintained over a long time

a)    Sustainable b) Unsustainable   c) measurement   d) retention


37. Customer ____________ means that customers are committed to shopping at retailers locations

a)    Loyalty   b)  satisfaction  c)  Measurement   d) Retention


38. A             opportunity involves directing investments towards existing customers using the present retailing format

a)    Market segmentation   b) market penetration c) Diversification d) market generation


39. A               opportunity involves a new retail format directed towards a market segment that is not presently being served.

a)    Market segmentation  b) market penetration  c) diversification d) market generation


40. A            opportunity employs the existing retailing format in new market segments.

a)    Market expansion  b) market segmentation c) Diversification  d)  market generation


41. While developing a retail strategy, ‘income distribution of the population is identified as _______ environment   .

a)    Political   b) social   c)  economic d)  technological


42. A ________ has many retailers completing with each other less than one roof.

a)    Mall  b) Freestanding location c) downtown area   d) home based


43. ___________ is a type of retail location is basically any standalone building .

a)    Mall   b) Home based   c)  downtown    d) freestanding location


44. __________________ is type of store location may be another premium choice, just like malls.

a)    Home based   b) freestanding location   c) Downtown area   d) Mall


45. ___________or stores are an inexpensive option but in such a business, growth may be restricted

a)    Mall   b) freestanding location   c) downtown area     d) Home based


46. Retailers sell in _________ quantities as they sell directly to final consumers

a)    Small   b) large    c) medium   d) heavy


47. ____________ can be an individual organisation or another seller

a)    Needs            b) marketer   c)  Customer   d)  Seller


48. ____________Means that customers are committed to shopping at retailers location.

a)    Penetration    b) Rebate    c)   Customer loyalty    d) Integration


49. A __________ is refund of part of items purchase price

a)    Coupon   b) discount  c) offer   d) Rebate


50. The store location should have high ___________

a)    Visibility    b) location   c)  selection    d)  Expansion     



SUB :  Media Planning Management


MCQ (50         QUESTIONS)



   1 The word Media came from the latin word ___

1 Middle  2 Media  4Medim  4 Menia


  2 A consumer must plan to act the desired manner is also known as ____

1 Attention  2 Intention  3 Behaviour 


3 ______ research will tell you about your target audience’s local media habits

1 Qualitative  2 Quantitative  3 Descriptive  4 Cognitive


4 Message weight is expressed in terms of gross impression or ______ rating points

1 Gross  2 net 3 Operational  4 Operative 


5 TRPS are available in India  calculated on the basis of the ___________ method

1 panel  2 polling  3 opinion  4 mutual agreement


6 ____________ indicate  a percentage of target audience who is exposed at least once in a given period to a particular media  vehicle

1 reach    2 frequency   3 market coverage  4 media planning




7_____advertiseing is a type of online  advertising that comes in a several forms including banner ads, rich media and more

1 display  2 indoor  3 primarily 4 secondarily


8 Currently adds are regulated by a non statutory body________

1 advertising standards council of India    2 Advertising service council of India 


3 Advertising standards corporation in India  4 Standard advertise council


9 The measures the sales strength of a brand in a particular area

1 Brand Development Index    2 Broad Development  Index  

3 Brand Developed index         4 Media developed Index  



10 Media strategy is based upon market ________

Coverage   2 Persuasion   Interaction  4 Control  


11 Offering a free gift with purchase is an example of _____

1 Offers   2Persuation  3 Marketing  4 technique


12 _________ is a tool provided to judge which programmes are viewed the most


1 MRP   2TRP   3 KRP   4 PRP


13 Acronym for TRP  is ______

1 Tariff Rating Point  2 Total rating point   3 Target rating point  4 Typical rating point


14 __________ is the head of Public relations department .

1 Public society officer  2 Public regional Officer

3 Public relationship Officer  4 Private regional officer


Unit 2

15______ target are those who have the power to affect the changes the campaign calls for 

1 Primary  2 Secondary  3 Tertiary  4 Superior


16 The cost factors becomes a matter of the relative cost of the individual media , n case of newspapers, thus relationship is determined as per ______ per column

1 centimetre  2  word  3 line  4 paragraph


17______  refers to specific methods of media used by companied to deliver advertising messages to targeted customer

1 Media vehicle   2 Media mix  3 Media Methodology  4 Media management


18  _____is the  ability to “ aim a radio or TV program or programming at a specific ,limited audience or consumer market .


1 Narrow casting   2 Media concentration   3 Media mix  4 Media network


19 A ______ is a publication that mostly covers one main topic .


1 Newsletter  2 Newspaper   3 Magazine  4 Brochure


20 Television has been used as an advertising medium nearly since the day the device was introduced at the New York Worlds Fair in_______

1 1939  2 1940  3 1942   4 1945

21 Cable  Television Amendment Bill ______ mandates digitization of TV broadcasts pan India by 2014

1 2011    2 2012   3 2014   4 2015


22 _________ is the use of a remote  control device to avoid commercials by switching to another channel

1 Zapping    2Zipping   3 Forwarding  4 Reversing


23 In the year 1957 , All India Radio was renamed __________ which is controlled by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting

1 Akashwani    2 Dhwani  3 Doordarshan   4 Radio Mirchi


24  In _________ advertising messages are provided either with or without the consent of the mobile owner

1 push  2 pull  3 Broad  4 Media 


25 Media in with the advertiser have great number of competitive messages are termed as


1 Cluttered   2 messenger  3 sender  4 Clipper





SUB :  International Marketing





   1 International marketing is dominated by ____countries .

1 poor  2 developing 3 developed  4 rich


  2 International  marketing ensures ____ utilisation of resources

1 minimum 2 maximum  3 Normal  4 up to range


3 Direct exporting ensures _____ profit margin

1 low   2 high    3 normal  4 medium


4 Trade barriers are ________ obstacle imposed on imports from other countries

1 Natural  2 artificial 3 political 4 revenue


5 Quota system is a type of __________ barrier

1 tariff       2 non-tariff     3 revenue      4 non- revenue  


6 Trading blocks gives benefit  to _____ countries

1 member  2 non-member  3 rich  4 poor 


7 franchising is form of ____

1 exporting  2 licensing  3 merger  4 strategic alliance

8 In merger two companies come together and ______ survives.

1 only one  2 no one   3 both  4 new company formed


9 head quarters of EU is at ________

1 London   2 Paris   3 Berlin  4 Brussels


10Customer regulations are ___________ barriers of trade

1 tariff  2 non-tariff  3 political  4 social


11 Regionalism in trade should be replaced by _________

1 multilateralism    2 free trade  3 trading blocs  4 trade blocs 


12Trade barriers are ______ to the growth of international trade

1 Useful  2 harmful  3 supportive   4 meaningless


13 Contract manufacturing is type of _______

1 Outsourcing   2 made to order agreement   3assembling activity  4 buildin 


14________ is horizontal expansion of firm

1 Merger  2 Diversification  3 Combination  4 Systematic 



15 International economic environment is the result of economic factors operating at the ____ level.


1 local   2 national   3 international  4 business 


16 International  marketing environment is _____ in character

1 stable  2static  3 fluid 4 fluid and flexible


17 IFC is one _______ of world bank

1 sister institution  2 affiliate   3 financial agency  4 advisory


18 One objective of IMF is to promote_____

1 exchange rate stability 2 Industrial growth  3Infrastructure development  4 stable interest rate


19 EU is best example of __________

1 economic union  2 free trade rate  3 customs union  4 common market


20 Democracy is regarded as the ____political system

1 worse    2 best   3 most ineffective  4 corrupt


21 Tradition , customs  and culture are used as based for ___ law.

1  Civil  2 theocratic   3 common  4 criminal     


22Dumping is a _______ practice for entry in foreign markets

1 fair  2 unfair  3 easy  4 freely allowed


23 Cultural environment is _______

1  Static   2 flexible  3 stable  4 dynamic


24 International marketing research deals with _________ markets

1 domestic   2 foreign  3 local  4 retail


25 In international marketing research , the use of _______should be made liberally.

1 primary   2 secondary data   3 unpublished data  4 published data




























































































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